
We offer a range of development programs that are backed by science. Drawing on the latest thinking in Neuro-science our programs are designed to turn managers into agile leaders of change and performance. Covering a wide range of topics we help managers build skills in how to Think, Regulate, Engage, Adapt and Develop with the brain in mind.

We work with you to understand what you are aiming to achieve and we can then customise and tailor programs to meet your specific needs. We can offer all programs on a virtual or in person basis.

Manager to Leader Program

Our NeuroTREAD programs are designed to transform managers into agile leaders of change and performance.  TREAD is how to Think, Regulate, Engage and Adapt with the brain in mind.

We offer brain science-based programs to develop managers’ skills to lead, engage and develop their teams so that they achieve sustained peak performance. We can help managers lead themselves and their teams through periods of change and uncertainty, building their resilience and wellbeing so that they can thrive. Whether it is working with experienced managers to face new leadership challenges or supporting emerging leaders and managers we can work with you to tailor a program to meet your needs.

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Coaching for Managers

Through a brain-based methodology, managers can accelerate their ability to develop their team members, enabling individuals to achieve high performance outcomes and reach their potential.

Coaching for Managers program focuses on facilitating improved thinking and behaviours by engaging the whole brain, generating insights and utilising techniques proven to increase the likelihood of changing behaviours.

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Leading through Change

Change is the new norm. Yet people experience significant challenges from the uncertainty of constant change. Change is only getting faster and self-leadership and strategies are needed to help people understand their reactions to change and self-regulate.

We can partner with you to deliver our Leading through Change programs to build capability for your leaders and managers to lead themselves and others through change. We can also work with teams experiencing change to help them develop a growth mindset and build resilience and adaptability to be ready to respond and thrive through change.

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Remote Leadership for Sustained Performance

Many managers have been responsible for leading a team remotely without prior experience at this. Many team members are also experiencing very mixed reactions to the working remotely and the continuous threat the virus represents to their health as well as the financial and social impacts.

Our programs help leaders be prepared to support their staff in both the psychological safety as well as the physical aspects of working remotely. We develop managers in our 6 pillars of remote leadership to ensure the engagement, communication and performance of their team.

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Team Performance

From time-to-time team’s need assistance to accelerate or turn-around their performance. This may be with newly formed teams or teams that are experiencing some level of dysfunction. We can deliver a customised program that enables the team to accelerate through the stages of team formation to achieve higher levels of performance.

We help teams build skills in developing a growth mindset, recognising and managing their emotions, creating alignment around purpose and direction and agreeing to team standards and behaviours that drive improved performance.

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Resilient leaders and teams

Resilience training in the workplace is an important part of ensuring teams and individuals operate at their peak. People Innovation Consulting provides Resilience Training which incorporates a mix of neuroscience and positive psychology.

We help leaders and individuals understand how they can be their best to deliver their best performance despite many changes and challenges around them. We provide tools and techniques to bounce-back from set-backs, to be able to manage stress to deliver peak performance and learn how emotions and our thinking interact so we can avoid poor decision making or damaging working relationships.

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Our Services




Executive Coaching

Assessment Tools